- Calendar thematic plan of the lecture 23-24
- List of literature
- Syllabus of propaedeutics of therapeutic dentistry 2023-2024
- syllabus practice
- thematic plan 2023-24
- _Lecture_thematic_plan
- L_1presentation
- L_2presentation
- L_3presentation
- L_4presentation
- L_5presentation
- methodological development lecture
- archive of methodological developments
- IWS Plan of Topics
- IWS_1
- IWS_2
- IWS_3
- IWS_4
- IWS_5
- IWS_6
- IWS_7
- IWS_8
- IWS_9
- WP EC modern features of preparation
- РП ВК матеріалознавство англ.2024
- 2 course exam questions
- Intermediate control 1
- Intermediate control 2
- Questions_for_differential_offset_2course
- Tests for 2 cours
- The final test control
- The differentiated offset
- The intermediate control 3
- The intermediate control 4