- Block_B._Color_Atlas_of_Ultrasound_Anatomy(Thieme,2004)
- ESR_eBook_Breast_Imaging
- ESR_eBook_Cardiac_Imaging
- ESR_eBook_Computed_Tomography
- ESR_eBook_Conventional_X-ray_Imaging
- ESR_eBook_Musculoskeletal
- ESR_eBook_Nuclear_Medicine
- ESR_eBook_Ultrasound
- Mista_R.,_Planner_A._A-Z_of_Chest_Radiology_(Cambridge,2007)
- MRS_ClinicalRadiology
- Paediatric_Radiology__J._Haller__T._Slovis___A._Joshi
- Radiation Past and Present
- Radiologe \ William Harring
- 2024_Radiology_Lectures №1,2,3,4,5 material_
- Lecture 1. Topics 1 . Fundamental properties of ionising radiation. Biological effect of ionising radiation. Radioactivity and dose. Ionising radiation dosimetry.
- Lecture 3. Methods of radiological examination and radiological anatomy of the organs of the abdominal cavity. Basics of radiological semiotics of the pathology of abdominal organs.
- Lecture 4. Radiological signs of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
- 2024_Practical_1-2 x-ray methods
- 2024_Practical_11-12 urin
- 2024_Practical_13-16 musculo-skel.
- 2024_Practical_17-18
- 2024_Practical_19-20
- 2024_Practical_21-23
- 2024_Practical_3-7 chest
- 2024_Practical_8-10 abdomen
- Imaging of mediastinum
- Prac. №20. Radiation signs of emergency conditions.
- Pract. №11_med_Imaging of mediastinum_MED
- Pract. №11-12_MED_GASTROREG
- Pract. №14-15. Radiation signs of traumatic injuries of upper and lower limbs, skull, spine, pelvic bones.
- Pract. №17. Radiation methods in endocrinology. Radiation signs of diseases of the thyroid gland.
- Pract. №18. Radiological research methods and radiological anatomy of the reproductive system, mammary gland. Radiation signs of diseases of the reproductive system and breast.
- Pract. №18. Radiological research methods and radiological anatomy of the reproductive system, mammary gland. Radiation signs of diseases of the reproductive system and breast.
- Pract. №19_Radiological research methods and radiological anatomy of the central nervous system. Radiation signs of diseases and injuries of the central nervous system
- Pract. №2. Physical and technical foundations of X-ray diagnostics, computer tomography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging and radionuclide research.
- Pract. №2. Physical and technical foundations of X-ray diagnostics, computer tomography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging and radionuclide research.
- Pract. №20. Radiation signs of emergency conditions.
- Pract. №21. Radiation therapy methods: X-ray therapy; contact methods; long distance gamma therapy and radiation therapy with high energy sources.
- Pract. №3-4. Radiological methods of research of respiratory organs. Radiation signs of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory organs.
- Pract. №6. Radiation signs of lung tumors
- Pract. №7. Radiation methods of research of the cardiovascular system. Radiation signs of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Sillabus_Radiology_2 year_Мedicine_2023-2024
- Working programm_2 year_2023-2024