- Lecture (V course). Colorectal cancer, stomach cancer
- Lecture (V course). Lung cancer
- Lecture (V course). Lung lecture
- Lecture (V course). Stomach_colon cancer
- Lecture #1 (V course). Methods of diagnostic and treatment
- Lecture #1 (V course). Organisation of oncology structure. What is the cancer_
- Lecture #2 (V course). Breast cancer
- Lecture #3 (V course). Oncogynecology
- Lecture #4. Breast cancer
- Practice #1 (V course) Organization of oncology aid
- Practice #10 (V course) Urogenital cancer
- Practice #11 (V course) Hodgkin lymphoma
- Practice #2 (V course) Methods of diagnostic
- Practice #3 (V course) Skin cancer_ melanoma
- Practice #4 (V course) Head and neck cancer
- Practice #5 (V course) Lung cancer
- Practice #6 (V course) Brest cancer
- Practice #7 (V course) Stomach cancer
- Practice #8 (V course) Colorectal cancer
- Practice #9 (V course) Oncogynecology
- Практичне заняття №11 (5 курс) Лімфома Годжкіна (укр)
- 2022 силабус Онкологія 5 курс (англ)
- Робоча програма ONCOLOGY (IV course - stomat) 2023
- Робоча програма ONCOLOGY (V course) 2023
- Робоча програма Palliative care (VI course) 2023
- Робоча програма Precancer diseases (VI course) 2023
- Tests V course (Oncology)