- Evaluation cretiria of discipline Biopharmacy
- List of questions for final control of Biopharmacy (1)
- Plan of practical classes on the discipline Biopharmacy
- Presentation Pharmaceutical factors and their impact on therapeutic efficacy of drugs.
- BioPharm Lectures 1-3
- Precentation Lecture 1
- Precentation Lecture 10
- Precentation Lecture 2
- Precentation Lecture 3
- Precentation Lecture 4
- Precentation Lecture 5
- Precentation Lecture 6
- Precentation Lecture 6-2
- Precentation Lecture 7
- Precentation Lecture 8
- Precentation Lecture 9
- Метод_розробка_Lecture_Biopharmacy 2024-25
- BioPharm Practice 1-15-2
- BioPharm Practice1-8
- Practice. №1 Biopharmacy.
- Practice. №10 Biopharmacy.
- Practice. №11 Biopharmacy.
- Practice. №12 Biopharmacy.
- Practice. №13 Biopharmacy.
- Practice. №14 Biopharmacy.
- Practice. №15-1 Biopharmacy.
- Practice. №15-2 Biopharmacy.
- Practice. №2 Biopharmacy.
- Practice. №3 Biopharmacy.
- Practice. №4 Biopharmacy.
- Practice. №5 Biopharmacy.
- Practice. №6 Biopharmacy.
- Practice. №7 Biopharmacy.
- Practice. №8 Biopharmacy.
- Practice. №9 Biopharmacy.
- BioPharm IWS 1-8
- IWS №1 Biopharmacy
- IWS №2 Biopharmacy
- IWS №3 Biopharmacy
- IWS №4 Biopharmacy
- IWS №5 Biopharmacy
- IWS №6 Biopharmacy
- IWS №7 Biopharmacy .
- IWS №8 Biopharmacy
- Cal_them_plan_Biopharmacy_2024_25_practice
- Syllabus_Biopharmacy
- WP_Biopharmacy_24_25
- Сal_them_plan_Biopharmacy_2024_25_lectures
- Collection of test tasks of the discipline Biopharmacy