- Criteria of assessment Internal medicine
- List of recommended literature
- Procedure for setting off academic debt
- Protocol of the clinical analysis of patient
- Questions for preparing for the final control
- Methodical development for practical classes Internal medicine 6 course
- Thematic plan 12 semestr
- Thematic plan of practicl classes 2024-2025
- Methodical development for IW Internal medicine 6 course
- Exam ECG_s
- Exam X-rays
- Examination ticket 1
- Excerpt from the minutes of the department meeting regarding the re-approval of methodological developments for the 2024-2025 academic year
- Syllabus 2024-2025
- Working programm 6 course INTERNAL MEDICINE 2024-2025
- Department tests Internal medicine
- presentation KROK2
- Tests KROK2 Internal medicine
- The schedule of the test control of knowledge in the autumn semester 2025-2025