- The schedule of consultations and working off missed classes
- Presentation to Lecture_1.1_Theoretical foundations of management. Organization as an object of management. Management and successful management.
- Presentation to Lecture_1.2_Theoretical foundations of management. Organization as an object of management. Management and successful management.
- Presentation to Lecture_1.3_Theoretical foundations of management. Organization as an object of management. Management and successful management.
- Presentation to Lecture_10_Marketing policy of communications_1
- Presentation to Lecture_13_Marketing research and information
- Presentation to Lecture_14_Marketing control
- Presentation to Lecture_2.1_Management functions
- Presentation to Lecture_2.2_Communicative process
- Presentation to Lecture_6_Product in the marketing system
- Presentation to Lecture_7_Commodity and innovation policy of pharmaceutical enterprises – копія
- Presentation to Lecture_8_Price, pricing, price policy
- Presentation to Lecture_9_Marketing activities of pharmaceutical enterprises
- manual_Marketing in Pharmacy
- List of the questions
- Sample exam paper
- Sample_Exam practical task
- The procedure for evaluating student learning activities
- COURSE SCHEDULE PhMM (autumn term)_2024-2025
- Syllabus Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing
- WP PhMM 2024-2025
- WP Practice PhMM 2024-2025
- Base of tests on the discipline_PhMM
- Test #2 MMPh (25 questions)
- Test #3 MMPh (53 questions)
- Test #4 MMPh (18 questions)
- Tests #1 MMPh (25 questions)