- Presentation for the topic 1. Introduction to laboratory diagnostics
- Presentation for the topic 10. Medicines and blood pathology
- Presentation for the topic 12. Antitussives. Mucolytics, expectorants
- Presentation for the topic 13. Medicines that can cause diarrhea
- Presentation for the topic 15. Means that affect the activity of microsomal liver
- Presentation for the topic 2. General information about blood composition and hematopoiesis
- Presentation for the topic 3. General information about leukopoesis
- Presentation for the topic 4. Biochemical research of blood and their clinical significance
- Presentation for the topic 5. Phisiological features of urine formation in the human body.
- Presentation for the topic 7. Laboratory studies in respitary diseases.Compjsition and types of sputum
- Presentation for the topic 8. The technique of obtaining gastric contents for clinical lesson 7 (pharma)
- Presentation for the topic 9. Examination of feces
- Syllabus for elective discipline Laboratory diagnostics (4 year education, pharmacy)
- Working programm Laboratory diagnostics (pharma) 2023
- Фармацевти Тем-кал план